The bureau's operations in Persia were led by Wilhelm Wassmuss. The bureau was involved in intelligence and subversive missions to Persia and Afghanistan to dismantle the Anglo-Russian Entente. The German Empire established their Intelligence Bureau for the East on the eve of World War I, dedicated to promoting and sustaining subversive and nationalist agitations in British India and the Persian and Egyptian satellite states. The treaty was signed at a time when German imperial expansion into the region was underway and the agreement served both Russia and Britain by providing a counterweight to increasing German regional influence and potential future expansion into the region. The 1907 treaty capped off several decades of the Great Game between the Russians and British. In the Anglo-Russian Treaty of 1907, the Russian and British governments agreed to divide Persia into three regions, with the Russians laying claim to northern Persia, the part adjacent to their previously conquered territories in the Transcaucasia, and the British claimed the south which bordered British India (a third region was left as a buffer zone). Foreign interests in Persia were primarily based on the country's strategic location between British India, Imperial Russia, Afghanistan and the Ottoman Empire and increasingly during the late 19th and early 20th centuries on the country's significant oil reserves. Despite this, the country quickly became affected by the pre-war rivalry between the Allies and the Central Powers. Persia declared its neutrality during the outbreak of the First World War. The Qajar government's inability to maintain the country's sovereignty during and immediately after the First World War led to a coup d'état in 1921 and Reza Shah's establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty. Over 2 million Persian civilians died in the conflict, mostly due to the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman regime and Persian famine of 1917–1919, influenced by British and Russian actions. The conflict proved to be a devastating experience for Persia. The fighting also involved local Persian units, who fought against the Entente and Ottoman forces in Iran. The Persian campaign or invasion of Iran ( Persian: اشغال ایران در جنگ جهانی اول) was a series of military conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the British Empire and Russian Empire in the Iranian Azerbaijan region of neutral Qajar Iran, beginning in December 1914 and ending with the Armistice of Mudros on 30 October 1918, as part of Middle Eastern theatre of World War I.

2,000,000 civilian deaths (due to war related famine and disease)